CIOS Audio Core was created by Владимир Лин.
If you are using CIOS Audio Core, and you have a bug in your hand,
or having problems on specific platforms,
please report to the following contact methods:
- E-Mail : linfoxman (at)
- E-Mail : lin.foxman (at)
- E-Mail : lin.vladimir (at)
- Skype : wolfram_lin
- QQ : lin.vladimir (at) (2107437784)
Skype is preferred. The author owns over thousands of e-mail accounts,
your e-mail is very possible buried in the letter can.
Please replace (at) into @ in the e-mail account information.
Support us
If you consider this software is helpful to you,
and wish to provide some help to make it better.
Try the following methods:
- Place the documents on your website.
- Being a volunteer, and join the deveopment activities.
- Donation via PayPal. The account is lin.foxman (at)
- Donation via Western Union, please contact the author by Skype.
- Give a paid job to the author, develop relative applications(contact by Skype).
Open source projects created by the same author:
All projects are from CIOS (Collective Intelligence Operating System).
CIOS (Collective Intelligence Operating System, an Anthropomorphic operating system.)
is the primary project. The parts to release are related with its size, complexity and dependency.
All projects are actually completed. The total scale of the codes are 6.2 millions LOC.
The plan is to release 5.2 millions amongst CIOS project, which 3 millions was coding by the original author,
3.2 millions are automatic created by AI program (yes, CIOS can write its own program. It was a real AI and designed to do so.).
The author plans to dismantle CIOS project into 220 separated standalone projects,
which makes most small development teams ranging in a few people capable of maintance.