Recruiting volunteers
CIOS Audio Core project is now recruiting the following volunteers:
- Advocators
- Testing volunteers
- Language binding programmers other than C++
- Document translators
- Distribution packagers
- Audio Host APIs programmers
- VideoLAN VLC media player Host API programmers
- Pulse Audio Host API programmers
- OpenAL Host API programmers
If you consider yourself to be one of the above candidates,
contact the author.
If you consider CIOS Audio Core is a very simple audio access interface,
and you wish more people to use it.
You might want to consider the place the documents on your website,
or create code fragments as an example.
Please notify your website address to the author.
The author will find a place in this website or your document mirror address.
Testing volunteers
If you have specific platform required to test,
or some configurations on some OS platforms,
or specific sound cards,
you might consider give a testing report to the author in order to improve the supports.
If you made modifications, you may also notify the author.
The author will try to understand the situtation and decide to make proper modifications.
Language binding programmers other than C++
Besides C++, CIOS Audio Core actually can be used on other programming languages.
If you consider yourself a guru of Java, Python, Ruby, LISP, Prolog, ADA, PERL and so on…
Feel free the bind CIOS Audio Core into your own programming languages and
give a copy to the author if permited.
The author will try to integrate them into the source package.
Document translators
Any translations of the documents are welcome.
Distribution packagers
All platforms and all architectures are welcome.
You can submit your packaging source to the author.
The author will try to integrate them into the source package,
or just simply follow your changes and open it on this website.
Audio Host APIs programmers
If you have special designed audio devices that required to have CIOS Audio Core supporting,
for example multi-channels recording or playback,
or the Host APIs that original author did not supported,
and you are capable to get one into the reality and willing to open it as
a part of open source community.
You might consider give a copy to the author.
The author will try to integrate your addition into the source package.
You can also consider to give a paid job to the author,
to increase your own private Host APIs and provide as serivces to
your own customers. The author owns the license of this software,
a paid Host APIs does not necessary go to open source because the rules of the license.
If you are willing to create
Pulse Audio or
OpenAL Host APIs, please contact the author.