Things to know about the compilation
Modify namespace
The default CIOS Audio Core namespace is "CiosAudio".
In case you need to modify this namespace, there are two defines:
If you do not want to use namespace, add the following DEFINE:
If you like to set up a namespace other than CiosAudio, add the following DEFINE:
#define CAC_NAMESPACE MyOwnNameSpace
Debugger setting
Because audio process did not actually consume a lot of CPU resources, the debug code in CIOS Audio Core does not actually affect the whole efficiency. We recommented you to keep these debug code, therefore the default settings is to enable debug messages.
For your own reasons, you do not wish to have any debug messages appear, just add the following DEFINE:
The utilites CIOS Audio Core provided are mostly Thread and Mutex. If you do have your own Thread and Mutex system, and you do not need FFmpeg, you might want to disable it.
To enable utilities and FFmpeg, you must add the following DEFINE:
If you want FFmpeg functionalities, you will have to add the following DEFINE: